FDA Genetic Label Comprehension Studies

SoundRocket is your guide through the rigerous and complex standards required for FDA label comprehension studies.

The Difficulties of Independently Conducting a Label Comprehension Study for 510(k) Approval

Conducting a label comprehension study for 510(k) approval independently poses several significant challenges. 

Complex Regulatory Requirements

Understanding and adhering to the specific requirements set by the FDA for label comprehension studies requires in-depth knowledge and expertise.

Effective Study Design

Designing a robust study that accurately assesses label comprehension involves creating appropriate study materials, selecting the right methodologies and ensuring the sample population is representative.

Data Analysis

Collecting and analyzing data to measure comprehension effectively requires sophisticated tools and advanced analytical skills and a deep understanding of statistical methodologies.

Facilitating FDA 510(k) Approval with Expert Label Comprehension Studies

Ensure your genetic health risk product is FDA-compliant and ready for market with SoundRocket’s label comprehension studies. With every study we perform the following:

Design and Execute Science-Guided Studies

Our team designs and implements rigorous, defensible studies that meet FDA standards, ensuring targeted and reliable outcomes.

Create Health-Related Labels

We develop precise, clear label content tailored to meet user comprehension requirements for FDA approval.

Conduct Comprehensive FDA-Grade Label Studies

Our comprehensive studies are designed and executed to align with stringent FDA guidelines for label comprehension.

Generate FDA Submission Reports for Label Studies

We produce detailed, compliant reports to support your FDA 510(k) submission, ensuring all regulatory requirements for label comprehension studies are met.

Facilitate FDA Communications for Label Studies

Our experts assist with clear and effective communication for all FDA study-related inquiries, providing support throughout the label comprehension approval process.

End-to-End Project Management for Label Studies

From inception to completion, we oversee your label comprehension study, ensuring a seamless journey through the FDA approval process.

SoundRocket’s Label Comprehension Co-Pilot

We’ve built a tested and proven approach called Co-Pilot (Comprehension Pilot) with a 100% clearance success rate.

Expert Review

Our team conducts thorough expert reviews to ensure your study meets all regulatory and scientific standards.

Expert Survey Design

We craft meticulously designed surveys that accurately measure user comprehension and adhere to FDA requirements.

Self-Administered Design

We offer online self-administered study protocols that facilitate easy participation and reliable data collection.

Faster Survey Results

Collect results faster leading to shorter studies.

Lower Costs

Save on travel, administration, and recruitment costs.

Larger Sample Sizes

Dedicate more of your budget towards larger sample sizes.

Meet all FDA Requirements

Co-pilot is a perfect fit for FDA-grade studies.

The Co-Pilot human factors / comprehension study lifecycle

Co-Pilot is an established 3-step approach to FDA studies. It can be pre-market or post-market studies, moderated or self-administered design, with consumers or healthcare providers.

Prep It.

Optimize your product label and study protocols to ensure FDA compliance and success.

Design a study protocol tailored to meet the FDA’s rigorous expectations for label comprehension.

Pilot It.

Refine your product labels and study methodologies through iterative testing.

Use user interviews to refine product labels and study protocols. Execute a pilot test of the finalized design before launching the full study.

Prove It.

Conduct comprehensive label comprehension studies to meet FDA requirements.

Run the study to gather data that aligns with FDA’s collection and reporting standards. Deliver a comprehensive, FDA-compliant study report.

Maintain It.

Ensure ongoing compliance and satisfaction through continuous improvement.

Keep your product in line with regulatory changes and maintain customer satisfaction. Efficiently run follow-up studies when regulations change, products are updated, or user feedback is collected.

SoundRocket stands as your trusted ally in achieving excellence in survey research.

With our unwavering dedication to perfection and ensuring your satisfaction, we present unmatched services tailored to precisely meet your research requirements with the utmost professionalism.

Methodological Expertise

We have deep knowledge to design rigorous, effective user comprehension studies. 

Collaborative Approach

Work closely with our team for tailored solutions and successful project outcomes.


Customization and Flexibility

Bespoke study designs that adapt to your unique product and regulatory needs.


Attention to Detail and QA

Meticulous quality assurance ensuring accurate and reliable results.

Ethical Standards & Privacy

Commited to ethical practices and stringent data privacy protections.

Timely and Responsive

Experience prompt, reliable communication and swift project execution.

Comprehensive Label Comprehension Studies for Seamless FDA 510(k) Approval

SoundRocket handles every aspect of your label comprehension study, from design and execution to reporting and compliance, ensuring your product meets FDA standards effortlessly.

Study Planning, Design, & Management

Tailored study plans, meticulous design, and seamless project management for FDA compliance.

Study Implementation

Execute precise studies with advanced methodologies ensuring high data integrity and participant engagement.

Analysis & Scholarly Reporting

Thorough analysis and detailed reports meeting FDA standards for clear, actionable results.

Client Successes

We just got clearance from the FDA for the AlphaID At Home Service for OTC use!

Genetic Health Risk Test

I will be sure to recommend SoundRocket to others seeking approval in the US.

EU Medical Device Granted US FDA Clearance.

This morning, we got FDA clearance for both products! Thank you so much for getting us to this point

Genetic Health Risk Test & Saliva Collection Kit

From the Launchpad

Expanding Diversity: Beyond Clinical Trials to Human Factors and Label Comprehension

Expanding Diversity: Beyond Clinical Trials to Human Factors and Label Comprehension

At the end of April 2024, the FDA finalized its rule on Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs), marking a significant regulatory shift. Labs now face a phased compliance process over four years, adapting to stringent requirements. SoundRocket specializes in human factors and user comprehension studies, essential for FDA submissions. We provide comprehensive support through user and label comprehension studies, simulated use studies, and regulatory guidance. With proven expertise in FDA submission support, SoundRocket ensures your LDTs meet regulatory standards efficiently. Embrace the new regulatory landscape with confidence by partnering with SoundRocket. Visit our services page to learn more.

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Insights on the FDA’s Virtual Public Meeting: Home as a Health Care Hub Initiative

Insights on the FDA’s Virtual Public Meeting: Home as a Health Care Hub Initiative

At the end of April 2024, the FDA finalized its rule on Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs), marking a significant regulatory shift. Labs now face a phased compliance process over four years, adapting to stringent requirements. SoundRocket specializes in human factors and user comprehension studies, essential for FDA submissions. We provide comprehensive support through user and label comprehension studies, simulated use studies, and regulatory guidance. With proven expertise in FDA submission support, SoundRocket ensures your LDTs meet regulatory standards efficiently. Embrace the new regulatory landscape with confidence by partnering with SoundRocket. Visit our services page to learn more.

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