How We Do It

We do social science iteratively and efficiently.

Take advantage of our expertise in study design, questionnaire design, sample design, sampling, survey development & testing, survey methodology, qualitative research methods (cognitive interview, focus groups, etc.), data collection (all modes and methods), and data reporting for your next research endeavor.

working on laptops remote work user interviews

Human Factors & Comprehension Studies

Human factors studies like user comprehension studies, label comprehension studies, and user experience studies evaluate how well one understands and experiences the content. While the content itself can vary, SoundRocket has developed expertise in evaluating content intended for health-related reports. High user comprehension is required by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) when marketing Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) genetic tests, and it is a stated goal of any legitimate health report provider to ensure that their products/services are understood.

The FDA requires a very high bar of 90% comprehension with DTC genetic tests with key conceptual topics such as test purpose, test limitations, next steps, and any special consideration about the test, as well as the test result. We have helped multiple organizations achieve this level of comprehension—and FDA 510k clearance—for their new products. Our team of survey methodologist experts and in-house genetic counselors are ready to help!

The SoundRocket Comprehension Study service uses iterative, interview-based stages to assist in the development and refinement of report contents and user comprehension questionnaire validity.

Study Design

Sometimes the most difficult aspect of social sciences is the design of the study itself. Do you need a cross-sectional study with a single mode of data collection; or does your research warrant a longitudinal design with multiple experimental design conditions? We can handle the simple and complex. Often this design work is involved as our collaborators build their proposal for funding—we find that the earlier you engage with us, the better the resulting study.

Probability and Convenience Sampling

The probability sample, where everyone selected to participate in a study has a known probability of selection, is at the core of most social sciences. Today, we find the field messy with non-probability samples being used more often. This can work sometimes, however, care must be taken to determine what the impact of a non-probability sample may be on your study. SoundRocket can help you determine the right sampling strategy for your study.

Questionnaire Design

From expert reviews designed to react to existing questionnaires to wholly new questionnaire development SoundRocket can help. We believe in science-guided practices of questionnaire design, including qualitative and quantitative methodologies; we also understand the limitations that restrictive research funding causes and are able to adapt our efforts to match the resources available.

Data Collection

Data collection can be the most time-consuming and budget-busting part of social science research. Often primary data collection makes up well over half of a typical grant budget. Managing quality together with timeline, limited resources, and other administrative burdens can take the scientist away from their science. SoundRocket will serve as your general contractor for your data collection efforts—allowing you to focus on what you do best. We maintain internal capacities to conduct web-based, paper, qualitative interviews, and small-scale telephone studies. We also have partners who can help with large scale telephone or geographical in-person data collections.

woman participating in live televideo interviews on laptop in an office

Live Televideo Interviews

Data Collection can be the most time-consuming part of social science research. Managing quality together with timeline, limited resources, and other administrative burdens can take the scientist away from their science. SoundRocket will serve as your general contractor for your data collection efforts—including sample and population surveys (web, mail, phone, in-person), 3rd party data sources, and qualitative interviews. SoundRocket will ensure that related support efforts are also handled expertly—IRBs, data processing, data coding, report generation, and analysis. We provide human expertise in survey methodology, project management, and all forms of study execution.

Web and Self-Administered Surveys

While web-based surveys have become commonplace, we are experts in web-based survey design. Everything you put in a web-based survey can impact data quality, and we understand those dynamics well. Working with us, you will never make a mistake like including an inappropriate progress indicator in your web-based survey. (Want to know why progress indicators are usually not appropriate? Schedule a consult and we can explain.) Self-administered survey design (including web and paper surveys) takes into account questionnaire design, visual design, language, and various psychological concepts to maximize quality in survey research.

Multi-Mode Data Collection

Administration of multi-mode data collection requires significant coordination between study efforts, each with their own unique challenge. We believe in optimizing a study for a single mode to guide big decisions, while adjusting the multi-mode design to maximize quality across all data collection mode efforts. At SoundRocket we can work with web, mobile, telephone, text (SMS), web, paper, mail, or in-person data collections.

Multi-Stage Responsive Designs

We excel at the design and execution of responsive designs. In fact, our founder, Scott D. Crawford, teaches the course on Responsive Designs in Web-based Surveys each summer, Responsive Survey Design at the University of Michigan. With dropping response rates, data collection strategies must address quality directly. It is no longer adequate to simply throw money at increasing response rates blindly without attention to quality metrics. We can help design a data collection strategy that uses multi-stage data collection efforts and sampling to target the efforts to maximize study quality. In the age of personalized medicine, we now practice personalized social science.


Let us help you get unstuck and tackle your next project successfully