Survey Methodology

The scientific method is the tool by which the social sciences grow.

The same scientific method that drives your research, develops and informs the work we do.

It is our responsibility to our collaborators to iteratively improve and learn how to best implement your science.

The scientific method is the tool by which the social sciences grow. It provides researchers with a process for their contribution to the larger body of knowledge. At first glance, one may believe that survey research lives entirely within in the “Collect Data” step. While a reasonable conclusion, it can prove disastrous if taken blindly – leaving researchers unable to improve tools during an age of continual growth in social measurement.

An abstract image representing data, decisions, and survey data collection
Use prepare and collect

Common Mistakes in Study Implementation

  1. Losing the study’s purpose during implementation
  2. Inconsistencies in study replication
  3. Not collecting the required data to test your hypotheses
  4. Reducing data usefulness with errors during data collection (sample coverage, sampling, nonresponse, survey instrument, respondent environment & interpretation, interviewer effects, etc.)
  5. Processing errors (coding processes, data editing & validation, weighting errors, etc.) impacting the analysis and interpretation of the data
  6. Lack of documentation and transparency, thus reducing the likelihood that you and others will repeat or cite the study

SoundRocket Builds A Culture Of Science In All Aspects Of Your Research Using The SoundRocket Method.


The most important stage of the SoundRocket Method. Here, we construct an understanding of your study goals and priorities. We assist in documenting these goals. This is an opportunity to build the foundation for new research or share and reflect on the earlier steps of an ongoing inquiry.


Using the foundation laid down in the Use phase, we collaborate with you in construction of your study. Before we reach the “point of no return,” where financial or scientific adjustments could damage the research, we embark on a thorough review process. The culmination of this effort is a detailed check of all 12 study domains, as described in Our Science.


During the Collect phase, we put to work what we learned during the Use and Prepare phases to make informed and quick decisions to ensure that the study remains on track and poised to succeed. Focus on your science while we aggressively and flexibly monitor your data collection.

Return to Use

Lessons learned during Prepare and Collect now become part of the Use phase going forward, so that you may build upon them as your research proceeds. The cycle continues…