What we do
Take advantage of our expertise in study design, questionnaire design, sample design, sampling, survey development & testing, survey methodology, qualitative research methods (cognitive interview, focus groups, etc.), data collection (all modes and methods), and data reporting for your next research endeavor.
With extensive experience in survey methodology consulting, SoundRocket are experts in survey implementation and consulting.
Custom Social Science Research
We value high quality science, and provide customized study implementation on your behalf, so you can focus on the science.
Study Management
Delivering dedicated Study Management for research entities around the world, specializing in both multi-stage complex and simple studies.
Higher Education Studies
Collaborating on large-scale standardized research studies, led by scientific research teams at higher education institutions.
Regulatory Compliance Studies
With in-house experts in genetics, health communication, and survey science, we specialize in rigorous human factors studies for FDA 510K submissions.
Early Career Scientist Support
Recent Ph.D. graduate, current grad student, or ambitious undergraduates - we want to help you learn survey methodology.
How we do it
Take advantage of our expertise in study design, questionnaire design, sample design, sampling, survey development & testing, survey methodology, qualitative research methods (cognitive interview, focus groups, etc.), data collection (all modes and methods), and data reporting for your next research endeavor.
Study Design
Probability Sampling
Questionnaire Design
Over 12 years of experience creating and designing professional, science-guided, qualitative and quantitative questionnaires.
Data Collection
Data Collection is key to a successful study. Soundrocket partners with you to ensure success and free up your time for research.
Web and Self-Administered Surveys
Experience with questionnaire design, visual design, language, and psychological concepts to maximize quality in survey research.
Multi-Mode Data Collection
Administration of multi-mode data collection including web, mobile, telephone, text (SMS), web, paper, mail, or in-person.