Survey research is an essential tool for social scientists, allowing them to collect data and insights from many people. To conduct a successful survey, there are several vital considerations regarding survey methodology that researchers must take into account. These...
SoundRocket to Conduct U-M Campus Climate Survey of All Students, Staff, and Faculty
Ann Arbor, Michigan The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has selected SoundRocket once again as their vendor to conduct their Campus Climate Survey on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The survey will launch on Thursday, October 28—all permanent staff,...
Introducing Error Through Use of Web Survey Progress Indicators
In 1998, fascinated with the potential for the web to serve as a data collection platform, I wondered what sources of error may crop up with this new technology. Not surprisingly, we noticed early on that if participants did not finish a web-based survey in one...
What Led Us to Live Televideo Interviews (LTIs), and Why We Won’t be Turning Back
This post was written in collaboration with Jesus Arrue Why develop live televideo interview methods? In simpler times, pre-pandemic, we conducted user comprehension and other cognitive interview studies through in-person interviews. We would meet with research...
Using a Label Comprehension Study for Nonprescription Drug Products
Over-the-counter drugs and direct-to-consumer genetic tests need to stand alone: here’s how the FDA ensures label comprehension. At SoundRocket, we have spent some time talking about the #SoundScience that is associated with FDA user comprehension studies. These...
Recruiting and Hiring in a Virtual World
Take the leap, reap the benefits The day before we closed the doors to our office in Ann Arbor, Michigan due to the COVID-19 pandemic last March, we interviewed a potential employee. After the interview, we had a nice conversation at a local restaurant. Looking back,...
Totally Remote: Communicate, Equip, Celebrate, and Flex to Success
Returning home from the 2020 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) conference in Seattle, Washington in February of last year, it was clear to me that the world was about to change. I attended AAAS to explore new fields of science that could...
Is now a good time? Surveying higher ed students in a pandemic
One of the most common questions I am fielding today—with COVID-19 spreading across the nation, is now a good time to conduct surveys? Is the pandemic having an impact on response rates?
As one of my favorite grad school professors, Mick Couper, loved to say, “It depends.”
Whether one engages in a survey right now will depend on their current status. This may not be a good time to survey emergency department staff. Professionals who are engaged in conducting online surveys may also have their hands full of work (from home) and may not have much extra time to spare. But if you are surveying the general population, with exploding rates of unemployment, you may have better luck. Students in higher education have been ripped from their regular social routines and disconnected from others. They may welcome an opportunity to share their experiences . . .
Personal Genetic Tests: 12,000 Gallons of Drool
When I am asked often what I do for a living – a recent story I get to say is “We watch people spit, and then ask them about their experience.” That usually draws a raised eyebrow, and often silence as the recipient of that nugget decides how to rearrange those words into something that makes more sense. Generally, they don’t get there without help.