Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) have become an essential part of healthcare diagnostics. These specialized tests, developed and processed within CLIA-certified laboratories, offer customized solutions that help close diagnostic gaps left by commercial options. They are particularly important in areas where traditional diagnostics fall short, such as personalized healthcare.
Advancing LGBTQIA+ Representation: The FDA’s Role in Inclusive Diversity in Clinical Trials
Inclusive clinical trials are essential for ensuring that new treatments and medical interventions benefit all populations, particularly those historically underrepresented in research. By addressing barriers such as non-inclusive screening processes and lack of awareness in LGBTQIA+ communities, the FDA is making strides toward more diverse and representative clinical trial cohorts. This commitment to inclusivity will help create safer, more effective treatments that reflect the needs of all individuals, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Understanding Response Rate vs. Completion Rate: What’s the Difference?
This article will explain the difference between response rate and completion rate, why each matters, and how both can impact the overall data quality of your survey.
Do Laboratory Developed Tests Now Need Premarket Review and FDA Clearance?
Learn about the FDA’s new regulatory changes for Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) and how they impact premarket review and authorization. Explore key takeaways and implications for healthcare providers and innovators
How Patient Preferences Shape Medical Device Development: Insights from FDA Draft Guidance
Explore how Patient Preference Information (PPI) impacts medical device development and regulatory submissions, with insights from the FDA’s draft guidance and key benefits for manufacturers.
When I Asked ChatGPT About AI & Survey Research
The essay linked below was written almost exclusively by ChatGPT based on a series of requests and feedback I provided as the essay evolved. I was looking to understand better what may be the potential impact of emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on...
ChatGPT—Could There Be an AI Survey Methodologist?
When I first heard about the new artificial intelligence (AI) chat tool called ChatGPT (created and offered as a free research tool by OpenAI), I was excited to play with it. Social media was abuzz with others in professional fields who had identified ways that this...
Equity & Inclusion in Accessible Survey Design Event
Join us for this important event at the University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research Inclusive Research Matters series, when Soundrocket founder Scott Crawford presents on equity and inclusion in accessible survey design. Event Title: Equity & Inclusion...
Recruiting and Hiring in a Virtual World
Take the leap, reap the benefits The day before we closed the doors to our office in Ann Arbor, Michigan due to the COVID-19 pandemic last March, we interviewed a potential employee. After the interview, we had a nice conversation at a local restaurant. Looking back,...