Peer Review as a Necessary but Unscientific Process – Can we just do some iterative science already?

Peer review is wonderful in theory.  Scientists reviewing other scientists’ work to evaluate whether the science was applied thoroughly, implemented well, and interpreted effectively can be a wonderful way to allow the best science through.  But the Reproducibility Project clearly demonstrated that something is broken – when over a quarter of the published studies reviewed could not be replicated. 

It is not a surprise to most.  Humans are involved.  We make mistakes…

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Research Wonder: Response Motivation – Important for Interpretation

Most agree that people have numerous motivations to participate in research.  In a recent article, Florian Keusch thoroughly details the various reasons why people participate in web surveys.  It is clear that there is no single reason — societal characteristics, individual characteristics, and survey characteristics all play a role.  But like most strong literature reviews do, it left me with this…

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Research Wonder: Group Science or Puffs of Insanity?

Rarely a day passes without me saying (or hearing someone else say), “I wonder how this may impact data quality,” or, “I wonder why we keep doing it this way,” or my favorite, “I wonder if anyone else has wondered this too!

I have seen the power of the scientific method.  I have seen that ideas can grow and expand, and how they usually twist and turn.  I know that science is not linear.

So it is time for me to spin off my little wonderments to the world…

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Six Common Mistakes in Survey Research

Survey research is a part of the scientific process – and even a science on its own.  So why do researchers abandon the science when they implement their studies?  An astronomer would not go to the hobby store to buy a telescope to study the galaxy.  A geneticist would never purchase non-sterile test tubes from an unknown source to capture saliva samples from research subjects.  So why do social scientists routinely treat their own data collection tools this way?   

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The SoundRocket LaunchPad

The SoundRocket LaunchPad

I hope you have enjoyed reading the past 6 posts to our new blog – the Launch Pad.  If you have not yet read them, I encourage you to go back to the beginning and read about our story.   I have certainly enjoyed writing them! 

I look forward to using this blog to write about and share our experiences.  While I expect the focus will adapt as we ourselves evolve, the plan will be…

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