Universities looking to achieve diversity objectives often implement campus climate surveys to assess student and faculty life and comfort. A campus climate survey measures how students, faculty, and staff feel supported within a university environment regardless of...
Direct-to-Consumer Polygenic Risk Scores Move Towards FDA Regulation
In medicine, we have been discussing the promise of polygenic risk scores for some time now. Polygenic risk scores determine whether a person's risk for a common condition, like coronary artery disease or depression, is higher or lower than others. The hope is to use...
What Are Campus Climate Surveys & How Do They Benefit Your Institution?
Campus climate surveys are powerful tools that help colleges and universities gauge campus environment. These surveys provide valuable insight into various aspects of campus life — everything from inclusivity to safety, and play a crucial role in shaping a welcoming...
Why Do You Need Campus Climate Surveys?
Many universities and colleges conduct regular campus climate surveys. But some may wonder, what insights do they truly bring? Can they actually be used to make higher education institutions a better place? In our experience, when done well, campus climate...
What is a DEI Survey?
Simply put, the purpose of a diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI study is to examine the lived experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of students, faculty, and staff on a university or college campus. DEI surveys may ask about personal experiences with...
What is a Label Comprehension Study?
Label comprehension studies test how well a typical consumer can understand the labeling for an over-the-counter (i.e., non-prescription) drug or medical device. The labeling may include the product box or the instructions for use found inside the package. The idea is...
DEI Surveys & The Religion Question: Dr. J.T. Snipes in Conversation
Dr. J.T. Snipes and SoundRocket collaborated on the revision of a religious identity question, which will be part of our national benchmark DEI survey. In this conversation with Dr. Joshua Patterson of SoundRocket, Dr. Snipes discusses his research background and...
FDA User Comprehension Studies
What is an FDA user comprehension study? The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for identifying and mitigating consumer risks associated with the products it’s charged to regulate. This includes both prescription products and those sold...
A Website Analysis of the Consumer Genomics Industry Reveals Gaps in Public-facing Information – Part One
When we looked online at genetic tests marketed to consumers, the options were dizzying; after reading the websites we were left with more questions than answers and we wondered—what does this mean for consumers? - Jill Furnival, Genetic Counselor, SoundRocketNew...