And if you could take a genetic test to determine if you have the gene mutations that could show you have an increased risk of having Alzheimers Disease, would you? As the U.S. FDA has started regulating and approving these tests, SoundRocket asks: are there any potential harms and limitations?
ICYMI: Five Ways to Use Previously Collected Survey Data to Improve Quality in a Survey
An oldie but a goody!
Care should always be taken to only use previous data when it is methodologically important to do so. Here are the 5 times that reusing data to enhance your survey is actually ok.
Assessing event-based college student drinking and social context using mobile devices
Most surveys of alcohol-use ask about behaviors and patterns that happen days, weeks months or even years ago. It’s all retrospective recollection from study participants. It’s useful for identifying general trends but it’s fraught with measurement errors. And when the topic of the study is binge drinking, errors involving memory can increase. — even if you’re asking the question the next day.
Examining the Feasibility of Using SMS When Surveying College Students
ext messages (also known as Short Message Service, or SMS) are more and more becoming the go-to medium of communication. This especially is the case for today’s college students, who seem to conduct their social and even business lives completely via their smartphone.
Scott Crawford and the team at SoundRocket looked at the data surrounding the efficacy of using SMS when surveying college students, resulting in a presentation at the 2013 American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Conference.
ICYMI: My favorite social science podcasts…. Plus one more!
For this list, Scott scoured his (extensive) Favorites category in his Podcast app. Check out the list he came up with awhile back.
Why We Do Checklists
It has been a while since I have communicated about the importance of checklists. It feels that the time is right to do so again… as it will become a more and more important element to what we do as we grow.
Gathering data for direct-to-consumer personal genomic testing made easier with SoundRocket as data collection partner
This was the first experience for any researchers to look closely at the impact of personal genetic testing reports – to see how users understood them and made use of the results they provide. Soundrocket was happy to play a role in this important research.
ICYMI: Seven tips for effective web-based survey testing
Testing a web-based survey is one of the most detested activities to many in the survey research business. From a 2016 post, here are seven tips to better web-based survey testing practices for your next study. You’re welcome 🙂
FDA Genetic Health Assessment Ruling: Decoded
Trying to read and understand the latest FDA release on personal genetic testing (or what they are now calling Genetic Health Assessments)? Wish that they could indent when they use multi-level outlines? We have created a version that may be a bit easier to read and understand…