Click Here to Apply Job Description: Research Study Manager SoundRocket, an Ann Arbor, Michigan-based survey research organization is seeing a talented intermediate level Study Manager to join its small and growing team. This...
Personal Genetic Tests: 12,000 Gallons of Drool
When I am asked often what I do for a living – a recent story I get to say is “We watch people spit, and then ask them about their experience.” That usually draws a raised eyebrow, and often silence as the recipient of that nugget decides how to rearrange those words into something that makes more sense. Generally, they don’t get there without help.
Customer Trajectory: Michael Linderman
On an early June afternoon, Michael Linderman and I sat in our respective offices, our faces connected as they often are through a Zoom video call. Mine in Michigan, his in Vermont. I was eager to chat—I had only once before known someone to attend Harvey Mudd College, one of the seven contiguous Claremont Colleges huddled together in an otherwise sleepy Los Angeles suburb. I had heard stories from the other Mudd alumni I know about pranks pulled against their Caltech rivals (Google “Caltech Cannon Heist” if you want to learn more), and I wanted to know if Michael had been involved.
Grapes + Microwave Oven + YouTube Science = Plasma + Scientific Progress
Living in the world of science for some time has raised my awareness of what it means to live in the scientific method. Patterns emerge that I cannot easily ignore. In recent years, I have found myself captivated by the quantity (and quality) of scientific communications emerging from within YouTube.
Revisiting the Role of the Science Journalist
In today’s ecosystem of online science publications, it can be hard to tell what qualifies as journalism and what doesn’t. Does it matter?
For Erin Zimmerman, a plant molecular biologist turned freelance science writer living in Ontario, Canada, a recent plant science conference presented a rare opportunity to meet scientists working in the field and to gin up some story ideas.
Surveying College Students with SMS: Is it Feasible?
Text messages (also known as Short Message Service, or SMS) have become the go-to medium when contacting others. This is especially the case for today’s college students, who seem to conduct their social and even business lives completely via messaging service.
SoundRocket examined the data surrounding the efficacy of using SMS when surveying college students, resulting in presentation at a past American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Conference.
SoundRocket Founder to Speak at FEDCASIC Workshop
If you would like to spot some serious survey nerds while enjoying the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C. this year, step on down to the Bureau of Labor Statistics where SoundRocket founder Scott D. Crawford will be presenting at the The Federal Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection (FEDCASIC) Workshop. Scott will be presenting “Best Practices in Consent to Capture Geolocation Data in Self-Administered Web Surveys” in the Wednesday afternoon session on Advances in the Use of Location Data.
Central Michigan University Launches National Campus Climate Survey
SoundRocket and Central Michigan University announce today the opening of the fist implementation of the National Campus Climate Survey with students at Central Michigan University. The National Campus Climate Survey is a collaboration between SoundRocket and the University of Michigan Program in Society, Population, and Environment.
Genomes2People Expands Partnership with SoundRocket to Improve Personal Genome Sequencing Outcomes
After about seven years with Soundrocket, the Genomes2People Research Program has re-upped and expanded the partnership with the help of a new NIH grant for its PeopleSeq Consortium study.