DNA Matchmaking: Move Over, Cupid.

DNA Matchmaking: Move Over, Cupid.

Based on a 2020 survey by dating app Plenty of Fish, 90% of US-based daters feel the chemistry, not attractiveness, is the key to a lasting successful relationship. Genetic matchmaking sites that offer DNA testing to predict biological compatibility (i.e.: chemistry)...

Careers & Jobs

Careers #SoundScience Who is SoundRocket? #SoundScience SoundRocket is a social science research company originally born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In March of 2020, we pivoted into a fully remote workplace. As we study similarities and differences between humans, we...
How Patient Preferences Shape Medical Device Development: Insights from FDA Draft Guidance

How Patient Preferences Shape Medical Device Development: Insights from FDA Draft Guidance

The FDA’s recent draft guidance, “Incorporating Voluntary Patient Preference Information Over the Total Product Life Cycle,” marks a significant shift towards patient-centered approaches in medical device and drug development. This guidance encourages the integration...